About Kind Schools

Kind Schools is a program of Resilient Youth Australia Pty Ltd.

Kind Schools is designed to assist educators by bringing the value of kindness into the heart of everyday school life.

Our Mission:

We support teachers and schools to ‘Choose Kindness’. 

Our Vision:

That every school puts kindness first.

Our Philosophy:

That kindness is embedded at the heart of school life.

Our Motto:

‘Be Kind in Heart and Mind’

Our Inspiration:

In a rapidly changing world, we are inspired to promote the simple value of kindness, and to actively support a renewed focus on this quality, specifically in educational settings where the simple value of kindness can harness the efforts of everyone in a school to cultivate quality relationships.

Our Commitment:

We are committed to helping teachers and schools teach, practice, and implement kindness.

Our Values:

The Kind Schools program helps you put genuine connection at the heart of your work.

The core values that underpin our work are:

  • Inspiration: helping schools to focus on kindness.

  • Innovation: always seeking new ways to contribute to student wellbeing.

  • Impact: measurably improving the lives of young people.

Our Dream:

Create a cascade of kindness! The most powerful way to cultivate kindness is to model it.

What’s more, kindness ripples out. Imagine if you and each person in your community were just a little more kind tomorrow? You might make someone’s day and you might trigger an unstoppable cascade of kindness. Just think what it could do for the wellbeing of a community … at zero cost. Just by choosing kindness!

How we make an impact:

We provide schools a clear call to action and high-quality free of charge resources to kickstart their own ‘Choose Kindness’ initiative.