We have developed an evidence-backed model of kindness where we define kindness in terms of:

i.          Kindness to Self
ii.         Kindness to Others
iii.        Kindness to the World.

The Kind Schools ‘Model of Kindness’ identifies three areas of kindness - Compassion, Connection and Courage - that between them contain nine teachable qualities of kindness as shown in our graphic representation below.

Lea, S.H., Wicking, A., & Wicking, P. (2022)

Sign up to Kind Classrooms for free and download The Kindness Model document.

An in depth look at the 9 Qualities of Kindness within the three kindness areas of Compassion, Connection and Courage.

Sign up to Kind Classrooms for free to download our Kindness Qualities document including a list of scientific references for each quality.